Our Experience
- Fabricate & install of 8 units of Gantry Cranes for Keppel Shipyard, Singapore
- Fabricate & erect 2 units of Mobile Shelter with 30 meter span x 22 meter height for Keppel Shipyard, Singapore
- Fabricate & Install 2 units of 40 tone Gantry Cranes with 52 metre span in Keppel FELS, Singapore (including foundation work)
- Modification of 2 units of Quay Cranes from 40 tone to 50 tone SWL in PSA, Singapore
- Fabricate & install 198 units of EOT Cranes, Jib Cranes and Monorail Cranes for CWRP, Singapor (including footing work)
- Fabricate & erect 3 units of Steel Structure Workshop for MacGREGOR Plimsoll, Singapore
- Fabricate & install 8 unites of Gantry Cranes for Dyna-Mac Engineering, Singapore
- Fabricate & erect of 12 units of Mobile Shelter for Dyna-Mac Engineering, Singapore
- Fabricate & install 5 units of RTG Cranes Steel Structure for North Port, Port Kiang
- Fabricate & install 2 units of 100 tone Gantry Cranes in PT, Batamec, Batam

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